1.  Upon receiving a request from an authorized requester, the
      superintendent of a state resource center shall coordinate with the
      central point of coordination process in assisting the requester in
      identifying available community-based services as an alternative to
      continued placement of a patient in the state resource center.  For
      the purposes of this section, "authorized requester" means the
      parent, guardian, or custodian of a minor patient, the guardian of an
      adult patient, or an adult patient who does not have a guardian.  The
      assistance shall identify alternatives to continued placement which
      are appropriate to the patient's needs and shall include but are not
      limited to any of the following:
         a.  Providing information on currently available services that
      are an alternative to residence in the state resource center.
         b.  Referring the patient to an appropriate case management
      agency or other provider of service.
         2.  If a patient was admitted pursuant to section 222.13 or
      section 222.13A and the patient wishes to be placed outside of the
      state resource center, the discharge for the placement shall be made
      in accordance with the provisions of section 222.15.
         3.  If a patient was involuntarily committed, a petition for
      approval of a proposed placement outside the state resource center
      shall be filed, by the authorized requester or the superintendent of
      the state resource center where the patient is placed, with the court
      which made the commitment with either of the following
      recommendations for the court's consideration:
         a.  That the patient's commitment is no longer necessary and
      should be discontinued.
         b.  That the patient's commitment is still appropriate but the
      patient should be transferred to another public or private facility
      in accordance with the provisions of section 222.31, subsection 1,
      paragraph "a".  
         Section History: Early Form