307.10  DUTIES OF COMMISSION.         The commission shall:         1.  Develop and coordinate a comprehensive transportation policy      for the state not later than January 1, 1975, which shall be      submitted to the general assembly for its approval, and develop a      comprehensive transportation plan by January 1, 1976, to be submitted      to the governor and the general assembly, and to update the      transportation policy and plan annually.         2.  Promote the coordinated and efficient use of all available      modes of transportation for the benefit of the state and its citizens      including, but not limited to, the designation and development of      multimodal public transfer facilities if carriers or other private      businesses fail to develop such facilities.         3.  Identify the needs for city, county and regional      transportation facilities and services in the state and develop      programs appropriate to meet these needs.         4.  Identify methods of improving transportation safety in the      state and develop programs appropriate to meet these needs.         5.  Consider the energy and environmental issues in transportation      development.         6.  Enter into such contracts and agreements as provided in this      chapter.         7.  Promote the efforts of political subdivisions in developing      energy-efficient public transit systems including bus and rail      systems.         8.  Promote the development of rural bus systems.         9.  Develop and implement a bus system subsidization program.         10.  Act as a resource and referral source for van poolers in the      state.         11.  Conduct a comprehensive transportation planning study to      examine pedestrian accessibility in new commercial development.         12.  Establish transit accessibility impact guidelines by July 1,      1992, to be used in evaluating proposals for the construction or      acquisition of publicly financed facilities.         13.  Develop statistical measures to ascertain the impact of      public transit systems on the minimization of motor vehicle accidents      and reduction in fuel utilization by July 1, 1992, and the impact of      public transit systems on the reduction of hazardous emissions of      mobile sources, as identified pursuant to Title II of the federal      Clean Air Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-549, by July 1, 1993.         14.  By July 1, 1992, create a statewide transit services      marketing steering committee which includes providers, consumer      advocates, and public relations representatives.  The committee shall      develop criteria for the evaluation of the adequacy and public      awareness of transit service delivery by January 1, 1993.         15.  Approve all rules prior to their adoption by the director      pursuant to section 307.12, subsection 10.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C75, 77, 79, 81, § 307.10; 82 Acts, ch 1199, § 92, 93, 96] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         83 Acts, ch 9, § 1, 8; 84 Acts, ch 1231, § 1; 86 Acts, ch 1245, §      1905, 1906; 91 Acts, ch 253, § 14; 92 Acts, ch 1065, § 1; 2005 Acts,      ch 20, §1         See also § 307A.2