307.47  MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REVOLVING FUND --      ANNUAL PURCHASE REPORT.         1.  The highway materials and equipment revolving fund is created      from moneys appropriated out of the primary road fund.  From this      fund shall be paid all costs for materials and supplies, inventoried      stock supplies, maintenance and operational costs of equipment, and      equipment replacements incurred in the operation of centralized      purchasing under the supervision of the department's administrator of      highways.  Direct salaries and expenses properly chargeable to direct      salaries shall be paid from the fund.  For each month the director      shall render a statement to each unit under the supervision of the      administrator of highways for the actual cost of materials and      supplies, operational and maintenance costs of equipment, and      equipment depreciation used.  The expense shall be paid by the      administrator of highways in the same manner as other      interdepartmental billings are paid and when the expense is paid by      the administrator of highways, the sum paid shall be credited to the      highway materials and equipment revolving fund.         2.  If surplus accrues to the revolving fund in excess of one      hundred thousand dollars for which there is no anticipated need or      use, the governor shall order that surplus reverted to the primary      road fund.         3.  When the units under the supervision of the administrator of      highways share equipment with other administrative units of the      department, the director shall prorate the costs of the equipment      among the administrative units using the equipment.         4.  The department shall present a purchase report to the      legislative services agency prior to the beginning of each regular      annual session of the general assembly.  The report shall cover all      equipment and vehicle purchases through the highway materials and      equipment revolving fund during the preceding fiscal year.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         86 Acts, ch 1244, § 41; 88 Acts, ch 1278, §27; 2003 Acts, ch 35,      §45, 49         Referred to in § 12.28