312.5  DIVISION OF FARM-TO-MARKET ROAD FUNDS.         1.  For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, the treasurer of      state shall apportion among the counties the road use tax funds      credited to the farm-to-market road fund by using the allocation      method contained in section 312.5, subsection 1, Code 2005.  For      subsequent fiscal years, the treasurer of state shall apportion among      the counties the road use tax funds credited to the farm-to-market      road fund by using the distribution methodology adopted pursuant to      section 312.3C.         2.  All farm-to-market road funds, except funds which under      section 310.20 come from any county's allotment of the road use tax      funds, shall be apportioned among the counties as provided by this      section.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C39, § 4686.05; C46, § 310.5; C50, § 308A.5; C54, 58, 62, 66,      71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 312.5] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1219, § 19; 90 Acts, ch 1267, § 32; 91 Acts, ch 258, §      45; 92 Acts, ch 1100, § 4; 92 Acts, ch 1238, § 28, 46; 2002 Acts, ch      1063, §13, 16; 2005 Acts, ch 142, §5         Referred to in § 310.27