313.3  PRIMARY ROAD FUND.         There is hereby created a primary road fund which shall include      and embrace:         1.  All road use tax funds which are by law credited to the      primary road fund.         2.  All federal aid primary and urban road funds received by the      state.         3.  All other funds which may by law be credited to the primary      road fund.         4.  All revenue accrued or accruing to the state of Iowa on or      after January 26, 1949, from the sale of public lands within the      state, under Acts of Congress approved March 3, 1845, supplemental to      the Act for the admission of the states of Iowa and Florida into the      Union, chapters 75 and 76 (Fifth Statutes, pages 788 and 790), shall      be placed in the primary road fund.         Unless otherwise provided, the primary road fund is hereby      appropriated for highway construction.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C24, § 4690; C27, 31, 35, § 4755-b3; C39, § 4755.03; C46, 50,      54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 313.3]         Allocation of funds, § 312.2