331.212  QUORUM -- MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED.         1.  A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum to      transact the official business of the county.  If the board is      equally divided on a question when less than the full membership is      present, the question shall be continued until all of the members of      the board are present.         2.  The following actions of the board require the affirmative      vote of a majority of its membership:         a.  Levying of a tax.         b.  Entering into a contract for the erection of a public      building.         c.  Making a settlement with a county officer.         d.  Buying or selling real estate.         e.  Designating a new site for a county building.         f.  Changing the boundaries of a township.         g.  Appropriating money to aid in the construction of a      highway or a bridge.         h.  Appointing or removing an officer from office.