331.254  CHARTER OF CONSOLIDATION.         When multicounty consolidation is recommended, the consolidation      charter shall provide for all of the following:         1.  Adjustment of existing bonded indebtedness and other      obligations in a manner which assures a fair and equitable burden of      taxation for debt service.         2.  Establishment of subordinate service districts.         3.  The transfer or other disposition of property and other      rights, claims, assets, and franchises of the counties consolidated      under the charter.         4.  The official name of the consolidated county.         5.  The transfer, reorganization, abolition, absorption, and      adjustment of boundaries of existing boards, subordinate service      districts, local improvement districts, and agencies of the      consolidated counties.         6.  The merger of the elective offices of each consolidating      county with the election of new officers within sixty days after the      effective date of the charter.  The elections shall be conducted by      the county commissioner of elections of each county.  No primary      election shall be held.  Nominations shall be made pursuant to      section 43.78 and chapters 44 and 45, as applicable, except that the      filing deadline shall be forty days before the election.         7.  The merger of the appointive offices of each consolidating      county.         The consolidation charter may include other provisions that are      not inconsistent with state law.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         88 Acts, ch 1229, §26; 91 Acts, ch 256, §28, 29; 94 Acts, ch 1180,      §47; 2004 Acts, ch 1066, §22, 23, 31         Referred to in § 331.231