350.3  MEETINGS -- RECORDS -- ANNUAL REPORT.         Within thirty days after the appointment of members of the board,      the board shall organize by selecting from its members a president      and secretary and such other officers as are deemed necessary, who      shall hold office for the calendar year in which elected and until      their successors are selected and qualify.  Three members of the      board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  The      board shall hold regular monthly meetings.  Special meetings may be      called by the president, and shall be called on the request of a      majority of members, as the necessity may require.  The county      conservation board shall have power to adopt bylaws, to adopt and use      a common seal, and to enter into contracts.  The county board of      supervisors shall provide suitable offices for the meetings of the      county conservation board and for the safekeeping of its records.      Such records shall be subject to public inspection at all reasonable      hours and under such regulations as the county conservation board may      prescribe.  The board shall annually make a full and complete report      to the county board of supervisors of its transactions and operations      for the preceding year.  Such report shall contain a full statement      of its receipts, disbursements, and the program of work for the      period covered, and may include such recommendations as may be deemed      advisable.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 111A.3] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         86 Acts, ch 1245, § 1879; 92 Acts, ch 1025, § 1         C93, § 350.3