357H.1  RURAL IMPROVEMENT ZONES.         1.  The board of supervisors of a county with less than twenty      thousand residents, not counting persons admitted or committed to an      institution enumerated in section 218.1 or 904.102, based upon the      2000 certified federal census, and with a private lake development      shall designate an area surrounding the lake, if it is an      unincorporated area of the county, a rural improvement zone upon      receipt of a petition pursuant to section 357H.2, and upon the      board's determination that the area is in need of improvements.         2.  For purposes of this chapter, "improvements" means      dredging, installation of erosion control measures, land acquisition,      and related improvements, including soil conservation practices,      within or outside of the boundaries of the zone.         For purposes of this chapter, "board" means the board of      supervisors of the county.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         97 Acts, ch 152, §1; 98 Acts, ch 1168, §1; 2000 Acts, ch 1190, §1;      2005 Acts, ch 108, §1