357H.6  TRUSTEES -- TERMS AND QUALIFICATIONS.         The election of trustees of a rural improvement zone shall take      place at a special election on ballots which shall not reflect a      nominee's political affiliation.  Nomination shall be made by      petition in accordance with chapter 45.  The petition form shall be      furnished by the county commissioner of elections, signed by eligible      electors of the rural improvement zone equal in number to one percent      of the vote cast within the zone for governor in the last previous      general election, and shall be filed with the county commissioner of      elections.  A plurality shall be sufficient to elect the five      trustees of the rural improvement zone, and no primary election for      that office shall be held.  At the original election, two trustees      shall be elected for one year, two for two years, and one for three      years.  The terms of the succeeding trustees are for three years.      The terms of the trustees shall begin immediately after their      election and certification.  The trustees must be residents of the      zone.  Vacancies on the board shall be filled by appointment by the      remaining trustees.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         97 Acts, ch 152, §6; 98 Acts, ch 1168, §2         Referred to in § 357H.7