20-2902. Application of 20-2903 to 20-2913 to judicial districts adopting proposition of nonpartisan selection of judges of the district court, judicial district defined; effect on terms of incumbent


Chapter 20.--COURTS

      20-2902.   Application of 20-2903 to 20-2913 to judicial districtsadopting proposition of nonpartisan selection of judges of the districtcourt, judicial district defined; effect on terms of incumbent judges;constitutional restriction on political activities; removal.(a) The provisions of K.S.A. 20-2903 to 20-2913, inclusive, andamendments thereto, shall apply only in judicial districts in which theproposition of nonpartisan selection of judges of the district court hasbeen approved by the qualified electors of such judicial districts, asprovided in K.S.A. 20-2901, and as used in K.S.A. 20-2903 to20-2913, inclusive, and amendments thereto, the term "judicial district"shall mean any judicial district to which said sections apply.

      (b)   The provisions of this act shall not affect the term of officeof any person serving as judge of the district court at the time of anygeneral election at which the proposition for nonpartisan selection ofjudges of the district court is on the ballot, nor shall it affect theterm of office of any person elected as judge of the district court atany such election; but upon the expiration of the term of office of anysuch judge in a judicial district in which the qualified electorsthereof have approved nonpartisan selection of judges of the districtcourt, as provided in K.S.A. 20-2901, the retention of suchjudge in office or the selection of a successor to such office shall begoverned by K.S.A. 20-2903 to 20-2913, inclusive, and amendmentsthereto.

      (c)   Whenever a judicial district shall approve the proposition ofnonpartisan selection of judges of the district court as provided inK.S.A. 20-2901, each district court judge serving in suchjudicial district shall be subject to the restrictions imposed on his orher political activities by section 8 of article 3 of the Kansasconstitution. Any such judge who violates said restrictions shall besubject to removal from office in the manner prescribed by law.

      History:   L. 1974, ch. 137, § 2; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 96;Jan. 10, 1977.