20-3010. Commencement of duties by judge appointed to fill vacancy; rights, privileges, powers and duties; terms of office; eligibility for retention in office; election on question of retention; term


Chapter 20.--COURTS

      20-3010.   Commencement of duties by judge appointed to fillvacancy; rights, privileges, powers and duties; terms of office;eligibility for retention in office; election on question of retention;term for which retained; rejection, vacancy, appointment of successor;failure to declare candidacy, vacancy.Any person appointed to the office of judge of the court of appealspursuant to K.S.A. 20-3009 shall commence upon the duties ofhis or her office on the date such appointment takes effect, and anyperson so appointed shall have all the rights, privileges, powers andduties prescribed by law for the office of judge of the court ofappeals. Any such judge who is so appointed to fill a vacancy orappointed by reason of the expiration of a term of office, shall serveuntil the second Monday in January following the next general electionwhich occurs after one year in office and shall be eligible to succeedhimself or herself in office for a full term of four (4) years asprovided in K.S.A. 20-3006 for the retention of judges firstappointed to the court of appeals.

      If a majority of the votes cast and counted at such election is infavor of retaining such judge in office, he or she shall remain inoffice for a regular term of four years from the second Monday inJanuary next following such election. Thereafter, such judge shall besubject to retention in office as provided in K.S.A. 20-3006.If a majority of the votes cast and counted at such election is againstretaining such judge in office, such judge's position on the court ofappeals shall become vacant on the second Monday in January nextfollowing the election, and a successor shall be appointed pursuant toK.S.A. 20-3007, 20-3008 and 20-3009. If such judge does notdeclare his or her candidacy for election to succeed himself or herselfin office, such judge's position on the court of appeals shall be vacanton the second Monday in January next following such election.

      History:   L. 1975, ch. 178, § 10; L. 1978, ch. 117, § 1; July 1.