20-3128. Same; maintenance of library.


Chapter 20.--COURTS

      20-3128.   Same; maintenance of library.The trustees of any county law library may release the board of countycommissioners from the duty to maintain the library in thecounty courthouseor at some other suitable place, and may establish and maintainthe library insome suitable place not provided by the board of county commissioners inwhich event the board of county commissioners shall pay to the board oftrustees from itsgeneral fund an amount not to exceed $5,000 annually tobe applied to thecost of maintaining and operating the library as the board of trustees in itsdiscretion may determine to be proper. The trustees shall have the power torescind theactionat any time, in which case it shall become the duty of the countycommissioners to establish the library in the courthouse or anyother suitable place provided and maintained by the county.If the board of trustees elects to establish and maintain the library at someother place other than the county courthouse, or at some other suitable placenot selected by the board of county commissioners, the board of trustees mayalso release the board of county commissioners from the duty to appoint alibrarian and assistants for the library.

      History:   L. 1967, ch. 137, § 3;L. 1995, ch. 163, § 4; July 1.