21-3841. Fraudulent aircraft registration.



      21-3841.   Fraudulent aircraft registration.(a) Fraudulent aircraft registration is: (1) Presence,possessionor operation of any aircraft in this state that is found to be registered to anonexistent person, firm, business or corporation or to a firm, business orcorporationwhich is no longer a legal entity is in violation of this section. Any firm,business or corporation that has no physical location or corporate officers orthat has lapsed into an inactive state or been dissolved by order of thesecretary ofstate for a period of at least 90 days with no documented attempt to reinstatethe firm, business or corporation or to register its aircraft in the name of areal person or legal entity in accordance with federal aviation administrationregulations;

      (2)   knowingly supplying false information by any person to a governmentalentity in regard to the name, address, business name or business address of theowner of an aircraft in or operated in the state; and

      (3)   knowingly supplying false information by any person, firm, business orcorporation to any governmental entity in regard to ownership by such person,firm, business or corporation or anotherfirm, business or corporation of an aircraft in or operated in this state if itis determined that such firm, business or corporation:

      (A)   Is not, or has never been, a legal entity in this state;

      (B)   is not, or has never been, a legal entity in any other state; or

      (C)   has lapsed into a state of no longer being a legal entity in this state,and no documented attempt has been made to correct such information with thegovernmental entity for a period of 90 days after the date on which such lapsetook effect with the secretary of state.

      (b)   Fraudulent aircraft registration is a severity level 8, nonpersonfelony.

      (c)   This section does not apply to any aircraft registration or informationsupplied by a governmental entity in the course and scope of performing itslawful duties.

      History:   L. 1994, ch. 348, § 19; July 1.