24-605. Elections, supervisors and bonds and no-fund warrant issues; vacancies.



      24-605.   Elections, supervisors and bonds and no-fund warrant issues;vacancies.(a) Within 30 days after the district court has declared that thedrainage district is organized, the clerk of the court shall call a meetingof the owners of the real estate located within the district for the purposeof electing a board of five supervisors to be composed of owners of realestate located within the district. A majority of the supervisors shall beresidents of the county, or counties, in which the drainage district islocated. Notice of such meeting shall be published at least 15 days priorto the meeting and shall specify the time, place and purpose of the meeting.The landowners, whenassembled, shall organize by the election of a chairpersonand a secretary ofthe meeting, who shall conduct the election. At suchelection and all succeeding elections, including elections to approve theissuance of bonds or no-fund warrants, each andevery acre of land in the district shall represent one share and each ownershall be entitled to one vote for each acre owned in suchdistrict. A vote at any election may be cast by the landowner or by a legallyappointed proxy.

      At the first election one person shall be elected supervisor for a termof one year, two persons for terms of two years, and two persons for termsof three years, thereafter all supervisors shall be elected for terms ofthree years and until their successors are elected and qualified.Elections to choose supervisorsor their successors shall be at the annual meeting of the owners of thereal estate located within the district. Supervisorselected in any districtprior to the effective date of this act shall hold their office until theirsuccessors are elected and qualified.

      If a vacancy occurs at any time in the office of asupervisor of any suchdrainage district, the remaining supervisors shall appoint from thequalified residents in the district a person to hold the office of supervisoruntil the next election.

      (b)   For the purpose of determining the total number of acre votes whicheach landowner is entitled to cast at the meeting for the first electionof supervisors, the clerk of the district court shall deliver to the secretaryelected at the first landowners' meeting, at the time of the secretary'selection, a written certificate, prepared from the proceedings in the districtcourt for the formation of such drainage district, which sets forth thenames of all landowners in the district and the legal description and acreageof all land located within the district. In all elections, except the first,the county clerk shall determine the names of all landowners within thedrainage district and the number of acres owned by each landowner as of20 days prior to the date of any election.

      Any landowner within the district whose name or total acreage does notappear or appears incorrectly on such certificate may request the countyclerk to add the landowner's name to the certificate or to correct the acreageon the certificate. The county clerk may administer oaths and affirm witnesses,take testimony and examine documents and records necessary to determinethe qualification of any landowner to vote and the total acreage of thelandowner. After the completion of the investigation, the county clerk shallissue a certificate stating that the landowner to whom the same is issuedis entitled to vote and certifying the total acreage owned by the landownerto whom the certificate is issued. Such certificate shall be accepted bythe judges and clerks of the election and the landowner shall be allowedto vote the number of acre votes stated in the certificate.

      History:   L. 1911, ch. 168, § 5; R.S. 1923, 24-605; L. 1931, ch.186, § 1; L. 1983, ch. 118, § 16;.L. 1989, ch. 105, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 118, § 1;L. 1995, ch. 210, § 2; May 4.