29-105. Barbed-wire fence deemed legal fence; construction.


Chapter 29.--FENCES

      29-105.   Barbed-wire fence deemed legal fence; construction.(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), and inaddition to fence declared by law to be a legal fence,the following shall be a legal fence: A barbed-wire fence, of not less thanthree wires, with the third wire from the ground not less than 44inches nor more than 48 inchesfrom the ground, and the bottom wirenot more than 24 inches nor less than18 inches from theground, with the center wire equidistant, or nearly so, between upper and lowerwires. All such wires shall be well stretchedand barbed, barbs to average notmore than nine inches apart and such barbed wireshall be composed of two wiresnot smaller than No. 13, or one wire not smaller than No. 9, or wireshaving not less than 950 pounds breaking strength. All such wiresshall be securely fastened to posts, which shall not be more than two rods apart andnot less than 20 inches in the ground, and set in aworkmanlike manner or the posts may be not more than48 feet apart, with slats placedperpendicularly, not more than 12 feet apart, between the posts andfastened to the wires by staples, or with holes in the slats. Suspensionfences shall not be subject to therequirements of this section.

      (b)   The board of countycommissioners of any county, by resolution, may establish for a barbed-wirefence constructed after the effective date of such resolution constructionrequirements which are more stringent than the requirements undersubsection (a). In those cases where a barbed-wire fence is located on acounty line, the least restrictive requirements for construction of suchfence shall apply.

      History:   L. 1883, ch. 113, § 1; R.S. 1923, 29-105;L. 1986, ch. 195, § 4; July 1.