38-2252. Predispositional alternative; placement with person other than child's parent; conference; recommendations; immunity.


Chapter 38.--MINORS

      38-2252.   Predispositional alternative; placementwith person other than child's parent; conference; recommendations;immunity.(a) Before placement pursuant to this code of a child with apersonother than the child's parent, the secretary, the courtor the court services officer,at the direction of the court, may convene a conference of persons determinedby the court, thesecretary or the court services officer to have a potential interest indetermining a placement whichis in the best interests of the child. Such persons shall be given anyinformationrelevant to thedetermination of the placement of the child, including the needs of the childand any otherinformation that would be helpful in making a placement in the best interestsof the child. Afterpresentation of the information, such persons shall be permitted to discuss andrecommend to the secretaryor the court services officer the person or persons with whom it would be inthe child's best interestto be placed. Unless the secretary or the court services officer determinesthat there is good causeto place the child with a person other than as recommended, the child shall beplaced in accordancewith the recommendations.

      (b)   A person participating in a conference pursuant to this section shallhave immunity fromany civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed as a result ofthe person'sparticipation.

      History:   L. 2006, ch. 200, § 47; Jan. 1, 2007.