40-744. Location of principal office; supreme governing body, location of meetings, minutes of proceedings; official publication for notices; mailings; grievance or complaint procedures.


Chapter 40.--INSURANCE

      40-744.   Location of principal office; supreme governing body, locationof meetings, minutes of proceedings; official publication for notices;mailings; grievance or complaint procedures.(a) The principal office of any domestic society shall belocated in this state. The meetings of its supreme governing body may beheld in any state, district, province or territory wherein such society hasat least one subordinate lodge, or in such other location as determined bythe supreme governing body, and all business transacted at such meetingsshall be as valid in all respects as if such meetings were held in thisstate. The minutes of the proceedings of the supreme governing body and ofthe board of directors shall be in the English language.

      (b) (1)   A society may provide in its laws for an official publicationin which any notice, report or statement required by law to be given tomembers, including notice of election, may be published. Such requiredreports, notices and statements shall be printed conspicuously in thepublication. If the records of a society show that two or more membershave the same mailing address, an official publication mailed to one memberis deemed to be mailed to all members at the same address unless a memberrequests a separate copy.

      (2)   Not later than June 1 of each year, a synopsis of the society'sannual statement providing an explanation of the facts concerning thecondition of the society thereby disclosed shall be printed and mailed toeach benefit member of the society, or, in lieu thereof, such synopsis maybe published in the society's official publication.

      (c)   A society may provide in its laws or rules for grievance orcomplaint procedures for members.

      History:   L. 1988, ch. 154, § 7; Jan. 1, 1989.