55-1208. Abandonment of underground natural gas storage facility; notification; hearings by corporation commission.


Chapter 55.--OIL AND GAS

      55-1208.   Abandonment of underground natural gas storage facility;notification; hearings by corporation commission.(a) When the owner of an underground natural gas storagefacility has permanently abandoned the storage facility and that facility wascertificated by the state corporation commission pursuant to K.S.A. 55-1201et seq., the owner shall file with the commission a notice of abandonment. If any such storage facility was certificated pursuant to federal authority,the owner shall file a copy of any federal abandonment authority with thecommission. Unless such notice of abandonment authority has been filed withthe commission, there shall be a presumption that the storage facility and allrights associated with it remain as certificated. In either case the ownershall file an instrument with the register of deeds office in the appropriatecounty or counties, stating that such storage has ceased and, except in casesin which the owner of the storage facility has purchased the fee, that theownership of all property acquired by the owner, both mineral and surface, hasreverted to those who owned the property at the time of the acquisition ortheir heirs, successors or assigns.

      (b)   The state corporation commission may conduct an administrative hearingpursuant to the Kansas administrative procedures act upon application forabandonment of an underground natural gas storage facility if such facility wascertificated by the commission.

      History:   L. 1993, ch. 101, § 1; July 1.