65-2840a. Disciplinary counsel; appointment; qualifications; duties; application for subpoenas; staff; rules and regulations.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH
Article 28.--HEALING ARTS

      65-2840a.   Disciplinary counsel; appointment; qualifications; duties;application for subpoenas; staff; rules and regulations.The state board of healing arts shall appoint a disciplinary counsel, whoshall not otherwise be an attorney for the board, with the duties set out inthis act. The disciplinary counsel shall be an attorney admitted topractice law in the state of Kansas. The disciplinary counsel shall havethe power and the duty to investigate or cause to be investigated allmatters involving professional incompetency, unprofessional conduct or anyother matter which may result in disciplinary action against a licenseepursuant to K.S.A.65-2836 through 65-2844, and amendmentsthereto. In the performance of these duties, the disciplinary counsel mayapply to any court having power to issue subpoenas for an order to requireby subpoena the attendance of any person or by subpoena duces tecum theproduction of any records for the purpose of the production of anyinformation pertinent to an investigation. Subject to approval by the stateboard of healing arts, the disciplinary counsel shall employ clerical andother staff necessary to carry out the duties of the disciplinary counsel.The state board of healing arts may adopt rules and regulations necessary toallow the disciplinary counsel to properly perform the functions of suchposition under this act.

      History:   L. 1984, ch. 238, § 8;L. 1986, ch. 229, § 44; July 1.