65-6909. Licensure; expiration and renewal; notice; fees; reinstatement of canceled license; rules and regulations; inactive license.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-6909.   Licensure; expiration and renewal; notice;fees; reinstatement of canceled license; rules and regulations; inactivelicense.(a) An applicant who meets the requirements for licensure pursuant to this act,has paid the licensure fee and has otherwise complied with the provisions ofthis act shall be licensed by the board.

      (b)   Licenses issued pursuant to this act shall expire on the dateestablished by rules and regulations of the board unless revoked prior to thattime. A license shall be renewed in the manner prescribed by the board.

      (c)   At least 60 days before the expiration of the license ofan athletictrainer, the board shall notify the licensee of the expiration by mail,addressed to the licensee's last mailing address, as noted upon the board'srecords. If the licensee fails to pay the renewal fee and submit an applicationat least 30 days prior to the date of expiration of thelicense, the licensee shall be given a secondnotice that the licensee's license will expire andthe license may be renewedonly if an additional renewal feeis received by the boardwithin the 30-day period following the date of expiration and that if both feesare not received by the date ofexpiration the license shall be canceled forfailure to renew and shall be reissued only after the athletic trainer has beenreinstated under subsection (d).

      (d)   Any licensee who allows the licensee's license to be canceledby failing to renew as herein provided may be reinstated upon payment of thereinstatement fee, filing an updated practice protocolandupon submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of any applicablecontinuing education requirements established by the board. The board shalladopt rules and regulations for reinstatement of persons whose licenses havebeen canceled for failure to renew. Renewal of canceled licenses orreinstatement of licenses may include additional testing, training or educationas the board deems necessary to establish the person's present ability toperform the functions or duties of an athletic trainer.

      (e)   There is hereby created the designation of an inactive license. Theboard is authorized to issue an inactive license to any licensee who makeswritten application for such license on a form provided by the board and remitsthe application fee established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-6910, and amendmentsthereto. The board may issue an inactive license only to a person who meets allthe requirements for a license as an athletic trainer and who does not performthe functions and duties of an athletic trainer in this state. An inactivelicense shall not entitle the holder to engage in active practice as anathletic trainer in this state. The provisions of subsections (b), (c) and (d)of K.S.A. 65-6909, and amendments thereto, relating to expiration, renewal andreinstatement of a license shall be applicable to an inactive license issuedunder this subsection. Each inactive licensee may apply to engage in activepractice by filing a practice protocol required by subsection(d) of K.S.A.65-6906, and amendments thereto.

      History:   L. 1995, ch. 146, § 9;L. 2004, ch. 24, § 8;L. 2008, ch. 32, § 5; July 1.