68-132. Same; contracts; specifications and bids; publication notice; bond of contractor; inspector.



      68-132.   Same; contracts; specifications and bids; publicationnotice; bond of contractor; inspector.All contracts for such improvements costing more than $100 shall bein writing. At least twenty (20) days before the township board shalllet any contract for such improvement, they shall cause accurate plansand complete specifications therefor, together with a detailed estimateunder oath of the cost of such improvement, to be made by some competentpersons and filed with the clerk of the township board, for theinspection of all persons interested therein.

      The township board shall advertise for bids to do such work inaccordance with such plans and specifications in a newspaper in generalcirculation in the county where such improvement is sought to be made atleast ten days before the letting. All bids shall be in writing andsigned by the bidder and presented to the township board by the bidder,his agent or attorney, at a public meeting thereof, and all bids shallbe considered and accepted or rejected at such meeting. The contractshall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, but the township boardmay reject any and all bids and shall not accept a bid in excess of theestimated cost of such improvement. The township board shall require thesuccessful bidder to furnish a bond in equal amount of the cost of theimprovement for the full and faithful performance of the contract, andanother bond running to the people of the state of Kansas, conditionedfor the payment of wages earned and material furnished in theperformance of the contract. Said bond shall be for the full amount ofsaid contract and shall be filed with the clerk of the district court ofthe county in which said township is situated.

      The township board shall select a competent inspector, who shallinspect and see that said work is being done in accordance with theplans and specifications; said inspector shall receive for his servicesthe sum of three dollars ($3) per day to be taxed as costs for suchimprovement and said cost shall be included in the bids of thecontractors.

      History:   L. 1919, ch. 313, § 2; June 17; R.S. 1923, 68-132.