68-573. Certain counties over 175,000; adoption of master highway development plan; preliminary plans and specifications, approval, filing, cost, how paid.



      68-573.   Certain counties over 175,000; adoption of master highwaydevelopment plan; preliminary plans and specifications, approval, filing,cost, how paid.Whenever the board of county commissioners of any county now orhereafter having a population of one hundred seventy-five thousand(175,000) or more, shall adopt, by and with the approval of the secretaryof transportation, a master, long range highway development plan based uponengineering surveys and traffic use and needs studies, and whenever thesecretary shall determine and designate certain new routes or existinghighways, forming a part of such county master highway development plan,are essential and important highways to connect with or provide necessaryaccess highways to or from the state highway system in such counties, theboards of county commissioners of such counties, in its discretion, mayauthorize the preparation of preliminary plans and specifications forconstructing, reconstructing, improving or repairing the major, arterialcounty highways, which project shall thereafter be designated as the masterhighway development plan for such counties and shall be completed withinten (10) years from the date of its adoption or approval by the voters ofsuch counties.

      The preliminary plans and specifications for such county master highwaydevelopment plan shall be approved by the state transportation engineer,the county engineer and members of the boards of county commissioners ofsuch counties and filed in the office of the county clerk of such counties.The cost of such preliminary plans and specifications may be paid from theroad maintenance fund of such counties, even though such items were notbudgeted in such year; and if the proposition calling the adoption andapproval of such master highway development plan, is voted foraffirmatively by a majority of the electors of such counties at a specialelection held for such purpose or at the general election, the cost of suchpreliminary plans and specifications may thereafter be included in thetotal cost of such plan or project to be paid for by the issuance of bonds.

      History:   L. 1957, ch. 372, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 427, §125; Aug. 15.