69-101. Person keeping Saturday as Sabbath; when exempt from military duty or jury service.


Chapter 69.--SABBATH

      69-101.   Person keeping Saturday as Sabbath; when exempt frommilitary duty or jury service.No person whose religious faith and practice is to keep the seventhday of the week, commonly called Saturday, as a day set apart by divinecommand as the Sabbath of rest from labor and dedicated to the worshipof God, shall be subject to perform military duty or to serve as ajuryman in a justice's court on that day, except that such person shallbe subject to perform military duty at any time in case of insurrection,invasion, or time of war.

      History:   L. 1864, ch. 98, § 1; July 1; G.S. 1868, ch. 90, § 1; R.S. 1923,69-101.