71-1413. Duties of county election officer; dates of primary and general elections specified.



      71-1413.   Duties of county election officer; datesof primary and general elections specified.Elections of trustees of community colleges shall be conducted bythe county election officer of the county in which the main campus ofthe college is located. In any college district having territoryin more than one county, the county election officers of all suchcounties shall cooperate with the county election officer of the countyin which the main campus is located, and upon establishing any newcommunity college or adding territory to any of the community collegedistricts,the state board, in accordance with thissection, shall specify the county in which the main campus shall belocated for the purpose of this section. General communitycollege elections shall be held on the first Tuesday in April of eachodd-numbered year. Any primary community college election shallbe held on the Tuesday preceding by five weeks the first Tuesday inApril of odd-numbered years.

      History:   L. 1967, ch. 407, § 10; L. 1968, ch. 59, § 43; L. 1980,ch. 207, § 78; L. 1983, ch. 123, § 6; Jan. 27.