48.955 System to be prescribed by Legislative Research Commission -- Data germane to appropriations to be included -- Schedule for transmission of information -- Availability of data -- Reports.

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48.955 System to be prescribed by Legislative Research Commission -- Data germane to appropriations to be included -- Schedule for transmission of <br>information -- Availability of data -- Reports. (1) The Legislative Research Commission, or its designee, shall prescribe standard electronic and print forms, records, data elements, guidelines, and instructions to be <br>used by all branches and budget units. Such electronic and printed detailed records <br>shall be made available and transmitted by the heads of each branch of government, <br>or their designees, on a continuous and timely basis, in the form and technology <br>used by the General Assembly and the Legislative Research Commission through <br>electronic data processing procedures. (2) (a) Representatives designated by the Governor, Chief Justice, and the Legislative Research Commission for their respective branches shall assist, upon request, <br>the Legislative Research Commission in the creation and maintenance of an <br>automated central budget information system which shall consist of uniform <br>electronic detailed records concerning appropriations, expenditures, receipts, <br>and activities; (b) This system shall include all data germane to the appropriations of current and prospective budgetary resources and funds, including personnel-related data; (c) Preliminary work papers shall not be considered germane; however, all documentation upon which final budget decisions are made shall be <br>considered germane and shall be included in the system. (3) Each branch of government shall transmit the prescribed forms, records, and detailed data authorized under KRS 48.950 to 48.960 on such schedule and dates as <br>may be determined necessary by the General Assembly, the Legislative Research <br>Commission or their appropriations committees or budget review committees. (4) The Legislative Research Commission shall make available the contents and data contained on electronic records in the automated central budget information system, <br>upon request, to each branch of government. (5) At the request of the General Assembly, the Legislative Research Commission or their appropriations committees and budget review committees, the Legislative <br>Research Commission shall issue a report, in electronic or print form, on the current <br>and prospective budget condition and operations of the Commonwealth and its <br>branch budget units. Effective: February 10, 1988 <br>History: Created 1988 Ky. Acts ch. 3, sec. 2, effective February 10, 1988.