146.520 Nature preserves fund created.

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146.520 Nature preserves fund created. A fund for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of KRS 146.410 to 146.530 is <br>hereby created and is designated the &quot;Kentucky Nature Preserves Fund&quot; and shall consist <br>of all revenues derived from privileges, concessions, and contracts granted by the <br>commission, and all moneys received by it from gifts, contributions, donations and grants <br>from governmental or private sources, and moneys appropriated from general funds of the <br>state for the purposes of KRS 146.410 to 146.530. The Kentucky nature preserves fund <br>shall be disbursed by the commission, for administration and other expenses and for all <br>purposes provided by KRS 146.410 to 146.530. History: Created 1976 Ky. Acts ch. 118, sec. 24.