Section 5-406 - Mosquito control.

§ 5-406. Mosquito control.

(a)  Abatement.- If the Secretary, in cooperation with the local health authority, finds that a person is causing or allowing mosquitoes to breed or develop on any property in a manner that may pose a threat to public health, the Secretary may order that the person abate the mosquito habitat in a manner and at a time specified in the order. 

(b)  Order.- After all reasonable attempts of abatement have failed, an order issued in accordance with subsection (a) of this section shall be served: 

(1) On the person who is causing or allowing mosquitoes to breed or develop; or 

(2) If the person who is causing or allowing the mosquitoes to breed or develop cannot be found, on the owner or occupant of the property where the mosquitoes exist. 

[2010, ch. 412.]