Section 10-404 - Investigation by Attorney General - Investigative and enforcement powers.

§ 10-404. Investigation by Attorney General - Investigative and enforcement powers.

(a)  Investigative powers.- In an investigation under this subtitle, the Attorney General, a deputy attorney general, or any assistant attorney general whom the Attorney General designates may: 

(1) issue a subpoena for the attendance of a witness to testify or the production of evidence; 

(2) administer oaths; and 

(3) examine witnesses. 

(b)  Applicable laws.- The laws that relate to civil actions govern the attendance and compensation of witnesses in an investigation under this subtitle. 

(c)  Failure to comply.- If a person fails to comply with a subpoena or refuses to testify about a material matter, on petition of the Attorney General, a circuit court may compel compliance with the subpoena. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 10, § 26B; 1989, ch. 3, § 1.]