Section 17-303 - Qualifications of applicants for real estate salesperson license.

§ 17-303. Qualifications of applicants for real estate salesperson license.

(a)  In general.- To qualify for a real estate salesperson license, an applicant shall be an individual who meets the requirements of this section. 

(b)  Character and reputation.- An applicant shall be of good character and reputation. 

(c)  Age.- An applicant shall be at least 18 years old. 

(d)  Education.- An applicant shall have completed successfully: 

(1) a basic course in real estate approved by the Commission that: 

(i) does not require more than 60 clock hours of: 

1. classroom instruction; or 

2. instruction provided by: 

A. remote access satellite; 

B. closed-circuit video; 

C. computer, including transmission over the Internet and the World Wide Web; 

D. home study; or 

E. any other delivery system approved by the Commission; and 

(ii) includes a 3 clock hour course in real estate ethics approved by the Commission; or 

(2) if approved by the Commission as an alternative, courses in real estate subjects in any college, including a 3 clock hour course in real estate ethics approved by the Commission. 

(e)  Examination.- An applicant shall pass an examination given by the Commission under § 17-306 of this subtitle. 

(f)  Commitment from real estate broker.- An applicant shall obtain, from a licensed real estate broker, a commitment providing that the applicant shall become affiliated with the licensed real estate broker as a real estate salesperson on the granting of a real estate salesperson license to the applicant. 

(g)  Additional requirements.- An applicant shall meet any other requirement that the Commission establishes to ensure that only individuals who are professionally competent and of good character and reputation are licensed. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 56A, § 4-303; 1989, ch. 3, § 1; 1994, ch. 3, § 13; 1998, ch. 766; 2004, ch. 541; 2008, chs. 150, 151.]