Section 1-208 - Illegitimate child.

§ 1-208. Illegitimate child.

(a)  Child of his mother.- A child born to parents who have not participated in a marriage ceremony with each other shall be considered to be the child of his mother. 

(b)  Child of his father.- A child born to parents who have not participated in a marriage ceremony with each other shall be considered to be the child of his father only if the father: 

(1) Has been judicially determined to be the father in an action brought under the statutes relating to paternity proceedings; 

(2) Has acknowledged himself, in writing, to be the father; 

(3) Has openly and notoriously recognized the child to be his child; or 

(4) Has subsequently married the mother and has acknowledged himself, orally or in writing, to be the father. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 93, § 1-208; 1974, ch. 11, § 2; 1996, ch. 10, § 1.]