Section 19-212 - Financial status.

§ 19-212. Financial status.

The Commission shall: 

(1) Require each facility to disclose publicly: 

(i) Its financial position; and 

(ii) As computed by methods that the Commission determines, the verified total costs incurred by the facility in providing health services; 

(2) Review for reasonableness and certify the rates of each facility; 

(3) Keep informed as to whether a facility has enough resources to meet its financial requirements; 

(4) Concern itself with solutions if a facility does not have enough resources; and 

(5) Assure each purchaser of health care facility services that: 

(i) The total costs of all hospital services offered by or through a facility are reasonable; 

(ii) The aggregate rates of the facility are related reasonably to the aggregate costs of the facility; and 

(iii) Rates are set equitably among all purchasers of services without undue discrimination. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 43, § 568H; 1982, ch. 21, § 2; 1983, ch. 583, § 2; 1985, ch. 112; 1999, ch. 702, § 2.]