Section 10-428 - Internal grievance procedure.

§ 10-428. Internal grievance procedure.

(a)  In general.- A provider shall establish an internal grievance procedure to address a subscriber's grievance. 

(b)  Procedure.- The internal grievance procedure shall at least: 

(1) allow a subscriber or group of subscribers collectively to submit a written grievance to the provider; 

(2) require the provider to send a written acknowledgment to the subscriber within 5 days after receipt of the written grievance; 

(3) require the provider to assign personnel to investigate the grievance; 

(4) give a subscriber who files a written grievance the right to meet with management of the provider within 30 days after receipt of the written grievance to present the subscriber's grievance; and 

(5) require the provider to respond within 45 days after receipt of the written grievance regarding the investigation and resolution of the grievance. 

(c)  Mediation.-  

(1) Within 30 days after the conclusion of an internal grievance procedure established under this section, a subscriber or provider may seek mediation through one of the Community Mediation Centers in the State or another mediation provider. 

(2) If a provider or subscriber seeks mediation under paragraph (1) of this subsection: 

(i) The mediation shall be nonbinding; and 

(ii) The provider and subscriber may not be represented by counsel. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 70B, § 11G; 2007, ch. 3, § 2; 2009, ch. 694.]