Section 15-710 - Gifts to family members.

§ 15-710. Gifts to family members.

This subtitle does not require the disclosure by a regulated lobbyist of any gift to the regulated lobbyist's immediate family, if the gift is: 

(1) purely personal and private in nature and not related to the regulated lobbyist's lobbying activities; and 

(2) from the regulated lobbyist's personal funds and not attributable to any other entity or entities. 

[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, §§ 1-201, 5-105; 1995, ch. 3, § 22; ch. 533, § 2; chs. 550, 617; 1996, ch. 10, § 1; 1997, ch. 14, § 1; chs. 101, 562; 1998, ch. 21, § 1; 1999, ch. 129, § 2; ch. 130, § 2; 2000, ch. 61, § 1; ch. 658; 2001, ch. 631, § 2.]