Section 3-303 - Strikes.

§ 3-303. Strikes.

(a)  "Strike" defined.-  

(1) In this section, "strike" means any concerted action to impede the full and proper performance of employment duties in order to induce, influence, coerce, or enforce demands for a change in wages, hours, terms, or other conditions of employment. 

(2) "Strike" includes a total or partial: 

(i) refusal or failure to report to work; 

(ii) refusal or failure to perform employment duties; 

(iii) withdrawal from work; 

(iv) work stoppage; or 

(v) work slowdown. 

(b)  Prohibition.- State employees are prohibited from engaging in any strike. 

(c)  Disciplinary action.- An appointing authority may take disciplinary action, including termination of employment, against an employee who participates in a strike. 

(d)  Revocation of certification.- The Board shall revoke the certification of an exclusive representative who engages in any strike activity in violation of this section. 

[1999, ch. 298, § 2.]