34.010. Definitions.


34.010. 1. The term "department" as used in this chapter shall bedeemed to mean department, office, board, commission, bureau, institution,or any other agency of the state, except the legislative and judicialdepartments.

2. The term "lowest and best" in determining the lowest and bestaward, cost, and other factors are to be considered in the evaluationprocess. Factors may include, but are not limited to, value, performance,and quality of a product.

3. The term "Missouri product" refers to goods or commodities whichare manufactured, mined, produced, or grown by companies in Missouri, orservices provided by such companies.

4. The term "negotiation" as used in this chapter means the processof selecting a contractor by the competitive methods described in thischapter, whereby the commissioner of administration can establish any andall terms and conditions of a procurement contract by discussion with oneor more prospective contractors.

5. The term "purchase" as used in this chapter shall include therental or leasing of any equipment, articles or things.

6. The term "supplies" used in this chapter shall be deemed to meansupplies, materials, equipment, contractual services and any and allarticles or things, except for utility services regulated under chapter393, RSMo, or as in this chapter otherwise provided.

7. The term "value" includes but is not limited to price,performance, and quality. In assessing value, the state purchaser mayconsider the economic impact to the state of Missouri for Missouri productsversus the economic impact of products generated from out of state. Thiseconomic impact may include the revenues returned to the state through taxrevenue obligations.

(RSMo 1939 § 14599, A.L. 1945 p. 1428 § 73, A.L. 1965 p. 142, A.L. 1995 H.B. 562, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1249)


Commissioner of administration to head division of purchasing, RSMo 37.010