37.076. Federal surplus property fund established, purpose--investment--not to lapse into general revenue.

Federal surplus property fund established, purpose--investment--notto lapse into general revenue.

37.076. There is established in the state treasury a fundto be known as the "Federal Surplus Property Fund". All fees orother moneys received by the state agency for surplus propertyfrom the acquisition, warehousing, distribution, sale, transferor other disposition of federal surplus property shall bedeposited to the federal surplus property fund. Notwithstandingthe provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to the contrary, moneysin such fund shall not be transferred to the general revenuefund at the end of the biennium. Moneys in the fund shall notexceed the amount specified pursuant to the state agency plan ofoperation as approved by the General Services Administration, orits successor organization. Moneys in the fund not currentlyneeded may be invested by the state treasurer and any incometherefrom shall be deposited to the credit of the federalsurplus property fund.

(L. 1990 S.B. 816 § 2)

Effective 7-2-90