71.290. Public improvement--state or federal aid--procedures.

Public improvement--state or federal aid--procedures.

71.290. Whenever any city, town, village, county, specialroad district, sewer district or drainage district or otherimprovement district by its charter or by the laws of this stateapplicable thereto is now or shall hereafter be empowered toconstruct any public improvement, such city, town, village,county or district shall have power to pay for the labor andmaterials or any portion of both or either out of its generalrevenue, and to accept, use, and apply in whole or in partpayment for the same any grant from the state or the governmentof the United States or any agency of either, and such city,town, village, county or district shall have power to accept agrant or assistance of labor for such improvement or portionthereof furnished by those employed by any state or federalagency for making such improvement, subject to the conditions, ifany, imposed by such agency of the state or federal government.The balance of the cost of such improvement not paid out by thegeneral revenue of such city, town, village, county or district,or not paid out of any grant of funds, or not represented by thefurnishing of labor and materials by the state or United Statesgovernment or any agency thereof, shall be levied as a specialtax against the same property and in the same proportion uponwhich the whole of the cost of such improvement would have beenlevied as now provided by the charter of any such city, town,village, county or district, or the present laws of this stateapplicable thereto, except for such payment or grant. Theproceedings in each instance providing for the construction ofsuch improvements from their initiation to the awarding of thecontract to the successful bidder and the rights and privilegesof citizens and of each property owner affected thereby shall bethe same as that now provided by the charter and law governingsuch city, town, village, county or district where the entirecost of such improvement is to be paid for in special tax billsor special assessments against property; provided, however, thatthe plans, specifications and the estimate of cost for suchimprovement now required to be prepared and filed according tolaw shall specify what portion of the material and labor oreither it is estimated will be assessed against benefitedproperty. In letting contracts pursuant to this section theawarding authority shall require bidders to separately state theamount bid on that portion of such improvement for which paymentis to be made by special tax bills or benefit assessments. Whereany portion of the labor and materials on any such improvementshall be furnished in kind by the state or the United Statesgovernment or any bureau or agency thereof in lieu of a cashgrant the proceedings shall so state and bids shall be requiredonly for the balance of the labor and materials and the contractshall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder or lowestresponsible bidder on the balance of said labor and materials.

(RSMo 1939 § 7403)


Public improvement defined for purposes of this section, RSMo 246.271