208.700. Title--definitions.


208.700. 1. Sections 208.700 to 208.720 shall be known and may becited as the "Welfare to Work Protection Act".

2. For purposes of sections 208.700 to 208.720, the following termsshall mean:

(1) "Department", the department of social services;

(2) "Direct placement program", any program in which an office of thedepartment has a prearranged agreement with a specific employer oremployers to supply such employer or employers with applicants;

(3) "Employer", an employer that operates the site where a publicassistance recipient is employed or placed, and shall not mean anyplacement agency or temporary help service firm;

(4) "Supplemental wage assistance employment position", any positionin which the state of Missouri, through the department or any of itsdivisions, reimburses the employer for a portion of the wages of suchposition as an incentive to an employer for hiring designated individuals;

(5) "TANF benefits", temporary assistance for needy families benefitsprovided pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work OpportunityReconciliation Act of 1996, as amended;

(6) "Work first program", a program in the department of socialservices implementing the provisions of the Personal Responsibility andWork Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, as amended. The work firstprogram is not a relief or work training program for purposes of subsection9 of section 288.034, RSMo.

(L. 1999 S.B. 387, et al. § 4)