226.003. Public rest areas, department of transportation not to contract for the operation of truck stops, fueling stations, convenience stores or restaurants.

Public rest areas, department of transportation not to contract forthe operation of truck stops, fueling stations, convenience stores orrestaurants.

226.003. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or rule to thecontrary, the department of transportation is hereby prohibited fromcontracting with private entities or vendors to operate truck stops,fueling stations, convenience stores or restaurants on or near interstatepublic rest areas. The department shall examine and research the Vermontand Utah state programs, which have phased out interstate public rest areasand instead have implemented a public/private partnership with designatedinterstate rest exits. Nothing in this section shall prohibit thedepartment from maintaining existing interstate public rest areas orconstructing new interstate public rest areas consistent with this section.

(L. 2001 S.B. 244)