226.445. Commission members, number, term, appointment--compensation--staff.

Commission members, number, term, appointment--compensation--staff.

226.445. 1. The commission shall be composed of nine members who areresidents of the state of Missouri. Two of the commissioners shall bemembers of the senate appointed by the president pro tem of the senate, twoshall be members of the house of representatives appointed by the speakerof the house of representatives, and five shall be appointed by thegovernor with the advice and consent of the senate. No two committeemembers appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives orappointed by the president pro tem of the senate shall be members of thesame political party, and no more than three of the members appointed bythe governor shall be members of the same political party. All members,other than legislative members, shall reside in counties which are adjacentto the Mississippi River. To the extent practicable, legislative membersshall represent counties which are adjacent to the Mississippi River. Thedirector of the department of transportation or the director's designee;the director of the division of tourism of the department of economicdevelopment or the director's designee; the director of the department ofconservation or the director's designee; the director of the division ofstate parks of the department of natural resources or the director'sdesignee; the director of the department of agriculture or the director'sdesignee and the director of the department of economic development or thedirector's designee shall be ex officio members in addition to the ninemembers provided. Nothing in this section shall be construed to mandatethe attendance of any ex officio members to any commission meeting orcommission-related function. All costs associated with travel of any exofficio member to any commission meeting or any commission-related functionshall be paid from the existing budget of the department represented by theex officio member. No funds of the Mississippi River Parkway Commissionshall be used to pay the costs associated with such travel by any exofficio member.

2. Commission members serving on August 28, 1996, shall continue toserve the remainder of their term. The first two terms to expire shall befilled by one appointment by the speaker of the house of representativesand one by the president pro tem of the senate. The speaker of the houseof representatives and president pro tem of the senate shall each appointone other member after August 28, 1996. The governor shall fill theremaining five positions on the commission as their terms expire. The termof each member appointed by the governor after August 28, 1996, shall befive years. Legislative members shall serve during their term of office asa member of the general assembly or five years, whichever is shorter. Achairperson shall be chosen from the membership for a two-year term duringthe first regular meeting of the commission in odd-numbered years; however,no member of the general assembly shall serve as chairperson of thecommission. All members shall serve until their successors are appointedand qualified. Vacancies on the commission shall be filled in the samemanner and by the same appointing authority as the original appointment.The national commission shall be notified of all such appointments, andshall be given the names and addresses of the appointed members.

3. The governor may remove any member appointed by the governor forcause or for continued nonfeasance.

4. The members of the commission shall not receive any compensationfor their services but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessaryexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties as members of thecommission from moneys appropriated therefor from general revenue.

5. The commission shall be assigned to the department oftransportation. No staff or personnel shall be hired, employed, orcontracted for by the commission, but the department of transportation mayprovide such staff services as may be necessary for the commission.

(L. 1979 S.B. 489, A.L. 1996 S.B. 715, A.L. 1999 S.B. 268)