226.670. Licenses--fee.


226.670. No person shall operate, establish, or maintain a junkyard, anyportion of which is within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of theright-of-way of any interstate or primary highway, without obtaining a licensefrom the state highways and transportation commission of Missouri. The statehighways and transportation commission shall have authority to issue a licensefor the establishment, operation, and maintenance of junkyards within thelimits established in the preceding section and shall charge an annual fee often dollars, payable in advance. All licenses shall expire on the first dayof January following the date of issue and the commission may charge a prorata part of the annual license fee for portions of a year. Licenses shall berenewed from year to year on payment of the license fee. Such fee shall bedeposited in the highway fund and be expended by the state highways andtransportation commission in the administration of provisions of sections226.650 to 226.720.

(L. 1965 2d Ex. Sess. p. 905 § 3)