226.969. Recorder of deeds not to record plat, or city or county issue building permits, until commission has time to act on request or agreement to acquire.

Recorder of deeds not to record plat, or city or county issue buildingpermits, until commission has time to act on request or agreement toacquire.

226.969. 1. No recorder of deeds shall record any plat for asubdivision or other real property development when either the propertyowner, or a regulatory authority, or both, has not complied in full withthe provisions of sections 226.950 to 226.973.

2. No regulatory authority shall issue any building permit for theconstruction of a new commercial, industrial or residential building or anincrease in the square footage of an existing commercial or industrialbuilding, approve a subdivision or other plat, or zone, rezone, or grant azoning variance or exception for any real property which is within acorridor map that has been properly filed and recorded, until thecommission has been given the required time to act on the application orrequest and if appropriate, to acquire, agree to acquire or commence acondemnation action on any part of the subject property.

(L. 1995 S.B. 212 § 226.956)