227.396. Rick Seiner Memorial Highway designated for a portion of Highway 13 in Polk County.

Rick Seiner Memorial Highway designated for a portion of Highway 13 inPolk County.

227.396. The portion of state highway 13 within Polk County from the*intersection of** state highway 83 to the* intersection of** state highwayY in Polk County shall be designated the "Rick Seiner Memorial Highway".The department of transportation shall erect and maintain appropriate signscommemorating this portion of highway and designating such highwaydesignation, with the cost to be paid for by private donation. All signageshall be paid for and maintained through private sources and shall meetappropriate specifications as set forth by the department oftransportation.

(L. 2008 H.B. 1887 § 227.397 merged with S.B. 753, et al.)

*Word "its" appears in original rolls of S.B. 753, et al., 2008.

**Word "with" appears in original rolls of S.B. 753, et al., 2008.