227.554. Project plans to be provided to owners of utility facilities, content--preliminary plan of adjustment, contents--utility coordination meeting required, when.

Project plans to be provided to owners of utility facilities,content--preliminary plan of adjustment, contents--utilitycoordination meeting required, when.

227.554. 1. Upon completion of the initial design of the constructionproject, the commission shall provide at least one set of project plans toeach owner of a utility facility identified under section 227.553.

2. The project plans shall show those portions of the constructionproject upon which the owner's utility facilities are located and where theutility facilities of other owners are located in relation to work requiredfor the project. The commission shall also provide with the project plans adescription of any right-of-way still to be purchased and the anticipatedletting date of the project. The project plan shall be accompanied by acomplete set of plans including profile, cross-section, drainage, signal,lighting, signing plans, temporary road plans that may affect utilities, andother pertinent plan sheets. Upon request of the owner, the commission shallprovide any additional plan information needed by the owner to design and layout the removal, relocation, or adjustment of existing facilities and theplacement of relocated or new utility facilities within the limits of theconstruction project.

3. Within thirty days of receipt of the project plans, the utility ownershall develop a preliminary plan of adjustment and return the marked-upproject plans to the commission. The plan of adjustment shall include:

(1) Verification that all utility facilities are shown;

(2) The proposed location of adjusted utility facilities;

(3) Any additional right-of-way requirements; and

(4) Any other concerns.

4. When two or more owners have facilities in the area encompassed bythe construction project, the commission shall schedule a utility coordinationmeeting as soon as possible but no longer than thirty days from the date theproject plans were mailed. The commission's project manager and all ownersare required to attend this meeting. If there is a conflict between twoowners which cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the owners, the commissionshall determine the most appropriate method to resolve the conflict betweenthe two owners, and, in making such determination, shall weigh equally thelength of time necessitated by each owner's proposal, and the relative cost toeach owner if the other's proposal is adopted. The commission shall notifyall utility owners involved with the project in writing of the commission'sacceptance or revisions to the utility plan of adjustment.

(L. 2005 H.B. 209 § 227.244)

Effective 1-01-06