233.125. Disposition of proceeds from certain county licenses.

Disposition of proceeds from certain county licenses.

233.125. In all counties in this state where a special roaddistrict, or districts, has or have been organized, or where aspecial road district, or districts, may be organized undersections 233.010 to 233.165, and where money shall be collectedfor road and bridge purposes under the provisions of section137.555, RSMo, upon property within such special road district,or districts, or where money shall be collected for pool orbilliard table licenses upon any business within such specialroad district, or districts, the county commission shall, as suchtaxes or licenses are paid and collected, apportion and set asideto the credit of such special road district, or districts, fromwhich said taxes were collected, four-fifths of such part orportion of said road and bridge tax so arising from and collectedand paid upon any property lying and being within any suchspecial road district, or districts, and also one-half of theamount collected for pool and billiard table licenses socollected from such business carried on or conducted within thelimits of such special road district; and the county commissionshall, upon application by said commissioners of such specialroad district, or districts, draw warrants upon the countytreasurer, payable to the commissioners of such special roaddistrict, or districts, or the treasury thereof, for four-fifthsof such part or portion of said road and bridge tax so collectedupon property lying and being within such special road district,or districts, and also one-half of the amount collected for pooland billiard table licenses so collected from such businesscarried on or conducted within the limits of such special roaddistrict, or districts.

(RSMo 1939 § 8691, A.L. 1945 p. 1494)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 8042; 1919 § 10818; 1909 § 10594

(1956) Where special road district was confined geographically to city limits of fourth class city, it was not entitled to declaratory judgment that §§ 233.095 and 233.100 are inapplicable to it or that the county court is required to pay it four-fifths of road and bridge taxes collected in the district. Gladstone Special Rd. Dist. v. County Court of Clay County (Mo.), 293 S.W.2d 351.