233.332. Commissioners of special road districts in certain counties of the third classification--vacancies, how filled.

Commissioners of special road districts in certain counties of thethird classification--vacancies, how filled.

233.332. Notwithstanding any provisions of section 233.330 to thecontrary, in any county of the third classification with a populationaccording to the most recent federal decennial census in excess of fourthousand nine hundred and not in excess of six thousand one hundred, if aspecial road district commissioner resigns, dies, is no longer eligible toserve as a commissioner or the commissioner's term of office expires, thenthe county commission may by ordinance appoint a person to fill the vacancyor in the alternative hold an election to fill such vacancy pursuant tosection 233.330. No person shall be elected or appointed who is not aneligible voter in the special road district. Any person appointed pursuantto this section shall serve a term equal in duration to that of theprevious special road district commissioner replaced by such person. Thecounty commission may appoint a county commissioner to fill such vacancy.

(L. 1997 H.B. 609 § 1)