233.510. Tax for support of subdistrict, authorized--four-sevenths vote required--levy and collection of, procedure.

Tax for support of subdistrict, authorized--four-sevenths voterequired--levy and collection of, procedure.

233.510. 1. The commissioners of any special roadsubdistrict may levy, if four-sevenths of the voters of thesubdistrict voting thereon approve, a tax on all taxable propertyin the subdistrict, the proceeds of which to be used for thesupport of the subdistrict, including the payment of bonds issuedunder section 233.513. The proposition to levy the taxauthorized by this section may be submitted by the commissionersat the next annual election of the members of the commission orat any regularly scheduled primary or general election or at aspecial election called for the purpose. A separate ballotcontaining the question shall read as follows:

Shall the commissioners of the ................ Special RoadSubdistrict be authorized to levy a tax of .................cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation to providefunds for the support of the subdistrict?


(Place an X in the square opposite the one for which youwish to vote.)

If four-sevenths of the qualified voters casting votes thereon bein favor of the question, the commissioners shall levy a tax inaccordance with the provisions of this section, but iffour-sevenths of the voters casting votes thereon do not vote infavor of the levy authorized by this section, no such tax shallbe levied.

2. Any tax authorized pursuant to the provisions of thissection shall be levied and collected as provided by law for thelevy and collection of taxes for special road districts. Taxesauthorized pursuant to this section shall be deposited with thecounty treasurer, who shall disburse the moneys only to thepresident or vice president of the subdistrict upon warrantssigned by such officer and attested by the secretary of thesubdistrict.

(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 § 5)

Effective 5-30-90