249.440. Incorporation of sewer districts by county commission--powers of county commission.

Incorporation of sewer districts by county commission--powers ofcounty commission.

249.440. The county commission of any county in this state,in which is located an unincorporated village or district inwhich main and submain sewers have already been constructed orhereafter may be constructed or deemed necessary, shall havepower to establish sewer districts as provided in section249.450, and to provide for the construction of sewers therein,and to pay the costs thereof by levying special assessmentsagainst the lots, tracts or parcels of ground in said sewerdistricts, and to issue special tax bills evidencing suchassessments.

(L. 1941 p. 557 § 1, A.L. 1953 p. 541, A.L. 1957 p. 585, A.L. 1959 S.B. 261)


Contractual agreements between political subdivisions for common facilities and services, RSMo 70.210 to 70.320

County planning commission, class one counties to approve improvements, RSMo 64.050, 64.235