249.645. Charges for sewer service, how computed--notice, hearing--delinquency, interest from due date--lien on land authorized--priority of lien--discontinuance of service.

Charges for sewer service, how computed--notice, hearing--delinquency,interest from due date--lien on land authorized--priority oflien--discontinuance of service.

249.645. 1. Any public sewer district created under the provisionsof sections 249.430 to 249.660 or established pursuant to article VI,section 30(a) of the Missouri Constitution may establish, make and collectcharges for sewage services, including tap-on fees. The charges may be setas a flat fee or based upon the amount of water supplied to the premisesand shall be in addition to those charges which may be levied and collectedfor maintenance, repair and administration expenses as provided for insection 249.640. Any private water company, public water supply district,or municipality supplying water to the premises located within a sewerdistrict shall, upon reasonable request, make available to such sewerdistrict its records and books so that such sewer district may obtaintherefrom such data as may be necessary to calculate the charges for sewerservice. Prior to establishing any such sewer charges, public hearingsshall be held thereon and at least thirty days' notice shall be giventhereof.

2. Any charges made under this section shall be due at such time ortimes as specified by the county commission, and shall, if not paid by thedue date, become delinquent and shall bear interest from the date ofdelinquency until paid. If such charges become delinquent, they shall be alien upon the land charged, upon the county commission filing with therecorder of deeds in the county where the land is situated a notice ofdelinquency. The county commission shall file with the recorder of deeds asimilar notice when the delinquent amounts, plus interest and any recordingfees or attorney's fees, have been paid in full. The lien hereby createdmay be enforced by suit or foreclosure.

3. Should a lien be placed upon a customer's property by a publicsewer district for unpaid sewer charges, the lien shall have priority asand be enforced in the same manner as taxes levied for state and countypurposes.

4. Should the sewer charges remain unpaid for a period in excess ofthree months, the district, after notice to the customer by certified mail,shall have the authority at its discretion to disconnect the customer'ssewer line from the district's line or request any private water company,public water supply district, or any municipality supplying water to thepremises to discontinue service to the customer until such time as thesewer charges and all related costs of this section are paid.

(L. 1969 S.B. 320 § 1, A.L. 1983 H.B. 371, A.L. 1991 H.B. 299, A.L. 1999 H.B. 450 merged with S.B. 160 & 82)